Your support matters. You can make a difference in the lives of young people who matter. We serve a dynamic community of youth who are poised to make a vital contribution to the world. They are the future doctors, engineers, business leaders, teachers, skilled workers, manufacturers, creative professionals, and others who will help drive the Chicago region’s 21st Century global economy.
But they are going to need your help to get there. Today, they face enormous challenges in their lives that contribute to academic underperformance and social/emotional instability (check demographics page). With your help, we can provide the counseling services that reduce the negative effects of violence and trauma in their lives. We can build the positive support structures, role models and mentors to guide, support, and inspire them to strive for greatness. We can provide access to after-school programs that keep young people learning and engaged during the critical period at the end of the school day. We can provide the programs that provide training in the arts, technology, or building trades that lead to fulfilling careers.
Youth Crossroads partners with corporations, foundations, government entities, and individuals who are committed to supporting the promise and possibility of the young people in our community. We offer several opportunities for companies and their employees to contribute to our work, including sponsorships, grants, cash or in-kind contributions, automatic employee payroll deductions, and volunteering. Our partners represent brands that care about empowering low-income communities of color and helping youth succeed in school, at home, in their community, and in life. To learn more about how your company can support Youth Crossroads, click here